Download Disk image of the Installation CD (Unzip it and you will get one CUE and one BIN file)Disk image of Gitabitan Archive DVDDownload MDS FileDownload MDF Files (Please note that there are 17 files and the total size of the joined file will be 7.92 GB. Use HJ Split to join the files)Gitabitan.mdf.001Gitabitan.mdf.002
Gitabitan.mdf.004Gitabitan.mdf.005Gitabitan.mdf.006Gitabitan.mdf.007Gitabitan.mdf.008Gitabitan.mdf.009Gitabitan.mdf.010Gitabitan.mdf.011Gitabitan.mdf.012Gitabitan.mdf.013Gitabitan.mdf.014Gitabitan.mdf.015Gitabitan.mdf.016Gitabitan.mdf.017Instruction to use:1. Get
daemon tools from here and install. This is a free software.
2. keep .cue and .bin (installation CD image) in a same folder
3. Open daemon tool and create virtual directory.
4. From the 'tray' right click on daemon tool and mount the image (.cue) file from the folder where you kept those files (.bin file will be automatically taken)
5. It will ask you to install various software needed for Gitabitan archieve.
6. Install those softwares.
7. Keep the large .mdf file (after joining with HJsplit) and .mds file in the same folder.
8. Unmount the image of installation CD by right clicking on the tray icon of daemon tool.
9. Now mount the image of Gitabitan archive (only .mds file, .mdf file will be automatically taken since it is in the same folder)
10. Enjoy Gitabitan Archive
P.S. Make sure your hard disk is NTFS type formatted and not FAT32 formatted. FAT32 formatted hard disk can contain only 4 GB of maximum file size and the size of the .mdf file here is 7.92 GB.
Incase anyone wants to backup Gitabitan Archive Image(7.9 GB) into two DVD5 disks (4.7 GB disks), and mount the images from the 2 splitted parts(which resides in two different location or even 2 separate disks) in the Daemon Tools and save atmost 7.9 GB HDD space, here are the steps..
1. Split your MDF file into two parts [SIZE :4GB] using any file splitting software (I used HJSplit].
2. Copy or Burn these parts wherever you want. [my ex: 2 DVDs with image Gitabitan.mdf.001 and Gitabitan.mdf.002 respectively]
3. Insert the disks to two separate DVD Drives. [In case you have only one DVD drive keep the second image in the HDD, in that case you will effectively save approx 4 GB HDD Space].
4. Get DVD-Decrypter(Freeware) and use the function "Tools" -> "Create DVD MDS File..."
5. Press the "Add" button and set filetype to "ALL". Choose one part and add to the list.
6. Repeat step 5. for 2nd part, so they appear in the correct order in the list.
7. Tick the "Preserve Full Pathnames" checkbox and press "OK".
8. Save the new MDS somewhere.
9. mount the MDS file created in step 8 in Daemon tools and enjoy your copy of Gitabitan Archive.
This is also one of the solution to FAT32 problem.(In FAT32 case you dont need to join the 17 mdf files, just create the new MDS file using above steps repeating "step-6" 16 times.)